Last time I visited Kitty she had just planted this native and drought tolerant garden in her front yard. It looks this great and she doesn’t even water it! Are you jealous?

This is such a cool idea: hanging teapot planters…I think everyone who came to the tour took photos of these..
Last Sunday I went to Kitty Sharkey’s for the Bay Friendly Garden Tour. Many people say it is the most popular stop on the tour and I don’t doubt it. Hundreds of people came by. She’s featured in Backyard Roots and her homestead was one of the first backyard farms I visited. I think it’s time for an update….visit her site: havenscourthomestead.com
Please come by the Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo in Berkeley this Thursday May 9th at 7pm. I’ll be having a slideshow and you can meet Kitty and her goats.

This handy device saves water and makes sure the goats always have fresh water. They just push on the end and water comes out. There’s a bucket below to catch the extra.

This is Pappy, one of Kitty’s newest additions, a shetland sheep. She says this breed is a primitive breed from Scotland. The sheep shed their wool once a year, a process called rooing. They aren’t shorn.

More new additions, Kitty recently got two Sebastapol Geese goslings (and she’s babysitting the other two).