Category Archives: backyard farm

Stacy Brewer


Being a teacher, Stacy says she’s naturally inclined to share information. She started her Seattle backyard farm little by little about seven years ago and the blog came not long afterwards. She says she wanted to show people what’s possible. Her backyard really illustrates the point. It’s beautiful as well as functional. Her five by twelve foot mosaic wall took her a month  to make and her chicken coop was one of Seattle Weeklies top coops in 2011. Check out her blog: 






Canavese-Naffziger Family

Two-year-old girl harvests strawberries

Ann and Paul, shared excellent tips for involving kids in backyard farms in Backyard Roots. At first glance their backyard in Alameda California looks typical: a beautiful deck above a lawn bordered by trees and bushes. But it’s a farm incognito: it’s packed with 33 fruit trees, vegetables and chickens. Ann and Paul didn’t grow up in gardening families but she wanted her kids to have the fun of farming and to learn something too.

Ann and Paul have been amazed at the runaway success of some of their plants. Last year they harvested over 100 pints of strawberries. She wanted to grow them because her kids love them and organic strawberries are pricey. She never imagined her family would be picking and eating strawberries every day. “You really can get tired of them,” she says, but luckily the neighbors didn’t.

Follow Ann and Paul’s blog:


Two young girls feed the family chickens.

