Category Archives: volunteer

Suzanne Carter at Henry Haight School Garden


Where does food come from? Suzanne Carter got a good laugh when she heard a  first grader proudly proclaim that  “honey comes from the honey bee tree.”  Being able to teach kids first-hand about where food comes from is one of the reasons she volunteers at her son’s elementary school garden. Three days a week she works with 240 kids, teaching them gardening skills, botany, nutrition as well as geometry and math, all using the garden as inspiration.

The idea for a teaching garden started in 2011 with no budget but lots of community support. The school’s Go Green Committee came up with the plan to turn an unloved corner of the play field into an educational garden. In January of 2012, Alameda’s then supervisor Wilma Chan organized contractors to build a shed, and a local Boy Scout troop made raised beds. Later 175 people came out to a work party to help mulch, dig and plant.

Suzanne joined in right from the beginning working with a teacher to create the garden program. She graduated with an Anthropology degree but lately she has become more interested in plants. Besides volunteering at the schools garden program she also runs her own landscaping business, Urban Gardening. At the school’s gardening program she also helps write grants to get stipends for supplies.



When I visited last week, the winter garden was going strong with 13 raised beds of spinach, lettuces, kale, fava beans, herbs, edible flowers and more. They had a giant compost bin and a worm box, and activity area  with benches and tree stump stools.

The third and fourth graders I met were observing evidence of winter in the garden, looking through magnifying glasses and taking notes on clipboards. The kids found that the fruit trees did not have fruit or leaves, but they did have buds. They were fascinated by the insects. Later they talked about their observations and then picked spinach, kale, Italian dandelion leaves,  baby lettuce and edible flowers. Suzanne says the kids let her know what they are really interested in but she provides the basics first. “Sustainability, energy use and eating are the big three”, she says. At the end of class the kids helped make an organic gourmet salad that would rival one you’d find at an expensive restaurant. She says the kids have debated which of the vegetables is the best. Lately kale has been the winner.






The Edible Garden Project, Vancouver

Emily Jubenvill at The Edible Garden Project at Second Wave in Vancouver, BC

Emily Jubenvill at The Edible Garden Project at Second Wave in Vancouver, BC

Back when Emily Jubenvill was studying environmental science she got an assignment to find a positive story. “There was no good news,” she said. But then she found urban agriculture. “Here it was, a way to make a difference.” The assignment led to her first garden at a community garden which led to an internship with the Edible Garden Project that turned into her current job as community coordinator.

The Edible Garden Project was started seven years ago to use garden space to grow food for the needy of North Vancouver. The project started small but has grown exponentially ever since its start. They depend on volunteers at every level. Volunteers donate space and time growing in backyards, and along boulevards and in community gardens. Businesses to donate garden space like the back lot I visited behind the Second Wave Skate shop in Northern Vancouver.The tiny productive plot had everything from beans, corn, tomatoes and squash and even potatoes.

Emily she said the project had netted 3,000 lbs of produce  in 2011 and they had since then doubled their growing space. They get their funding from grants and donations and the food goes directly to the needy in the community. They started Loutet Farm in an underutilized park ane they even involve kids with their Fed Up program in local schools.

The Edible Garden Project uses a native american growing technique called "three sisters." Beans that enrich the soil with nitrogen, grow on the corn. Squash grows as groundcover below.

The Edible Garden Project uses a native american growing technique called “three sisters.” Beans that enrich the soil with nitrogen, grow on the corn. Squash grows as groundcover below.
