Category Archives: Seattle

Rain Barrels

Two young girls collect water from rain barrels.

Ann Naffinger and Paul Canavese daisy chained 4 55-gallon barrels on the side of their Alameda home.

With drought and rising temperatures it makes sense to conserve water whenever you can. Installing a rain barrel or tank is an easy way to collect water for your garden that would otherwise just go down the drain. It doesn’t have to be expensive either. Using recycled food transport barrels are cheap and cities often offer inexpensive barrels for sale. Rainwater is also good for your plants (unless you live a place with very polluted air) because it doesn’t have cloramine, a disinfectant added to many municipal water that is not good for soil and plant health.  While visiting urban farms up and down the coast I saw lots of examples of tanks and it seems the biggest obstacle for city yards is figuring out where to fit the barrel or tank. Here are some ideas.


Birgitt Evans put her tank under her deck in Alameda, California.


Kenya Spiegel and Seth Brown in Portland hooked up a tank to flush a toilet.



Catherine Burke in Seattle had plenty of room in her large Seattle backyard to set up this 1500 gallon tank.


Here's our 200 gallon tank in my San Francisco yard. We didn't have room to put it next the house so it's at the end of the side walkway.

Here’s the 200 gallon tank in our San Francisco yard. Because we only have a four foot wide walkway on the side of the house, we put it just past the walkway in the backyard.


Here is the way Barry made the round foundation for the barrel.



This shows the gutter with the shut off valve.

Come see Backyard Roots in Seattle

I’ll be in Seattle starting Sunday for  four events! Some amazing local farmers from Backyard Roots will be joining me for the slideshow events. Come see their interesting farms and get ideas for your backyard!

Sunday 3pm June 16th, Eagle Harbor Books, 156 Winslow Way East, Bainbridge

See the Backyard Roots Slideshow with stories and ideas from 35 urban farms and meet Jennie Grant, the goat expert of Seattle. She legalized goats and has recently published  City Goats, a handbook with everything you need to know about keeping goats.

Sunday 7pm June 16th, City Hostel Seattle, 2327 2nd Avenue, Seattle

Lee Kindell has turned his hostel into and  demonstration urban farm and is featured in Backyard Roots. See the slideshow from 35 amazing West Coast urban farms and get ideas.

Monday 5pm June 17th, Sky Nursery 18528 Aurora Ave North, Shoreline WA

It’s an edible garden theme to this show with Erica Strauss, from Northwest Edible Life. After I show slides, she’ll give a talk on Northwest Four Seasons Gardening. She is an entertaining expert and you will learn a lot!

Tuesday 7pm June 18th, Seattle Farm Co-0p 1017 S Jackson St, Seattle

Come to Seattle’s premier farm supply store and meet Joan Engelmeyer of City Art Farm. She teaches felting and many other farm inspired art workshops and classes. I’ll also be showing slides from 35 inspiring West Coast Farms.